RMQPersister is a JMS message consumer that listens to an internal XQueue. It receives messages from the queue to publishes them with certain routing keys to a RabbitMQ exchange as the output. RMQPersister supports all exchange types. The only operation, pub, is supported. It also supports flow control and XA. Fault tolerance with auto reconnections is built in.
Apart from the common properties, there are many implementation specific properties for RMQPersister.
Property Name | Data Type | Requirement | Description | Examples |
ExchangeName | string | optional | name of the exchange | video |
ExchangeType | string | optional | type of the exchange | fanout (default: direct) |
RoutingKey | string | optional | routing keys for binding to the queue | test |
IsPassive | string | optional | check before declaring | false (default: true) |
IsDurable | string | optional | if durable on creaions | true (default: false) |
AutoDelete | string | optional | if to set auto delete on exchange | true (default: false) |
Here is an example of RMQPersister:
{ "Name": "pstr_video", "ClassName": "org.qbroker.persister.RMQPersister", "URI": "amqp://broker1/", "RoutingKey": "video", "Operation": "pub", "Username": "guest", "Password": "xxxx", "ExchangeType": "direct", "IsPassive": "true", "IsDurable": "true", "AutoDelete": "false", "LinkName": "root", "XAMode": "1", "Tolerance": "0", "MaxRetry": "2", "DisplayMask": "18" }